

Purchase Coldstore Specifier For Dealers And Reps

To make a purchase your must first create a new user account.

This requires that you enter your email address and a password to log in with.

Please also enter the required contact details.If you already have a user account and wish to purchase additional licenses please go to the login page and log in to the members area to make additional license purchases.


Account Creation
E-Mail Address:
Confirm E-Mail Address:
Desired Password:
Confirm Password:
Your Details:
Your Name:
Company Name:
Address Line 1:
Address Line 2:
Town / City:
County / State / Province:
Post Code / Zip Code:
Your Web Site Address:
I acknowledge the email address I've supplied may be used to notify me of updates to the ColdStore Specifier software or web site
Computair Ltd, Registered In England No. 152 6909
Tel: +44 (0)1525 874426 Fax: +44 (0)1525 874400 Email:coldstore.specifier@computair.com
Post: Unit 2, Crowbush Farm, Luton Road, Toddington, Bedfordshire LU5 6HU, UK
Refund Policy

Refunds are at the discretion of Computair and must be requested within 5 days of your original purchase.

Privacy Policy